Welcome, Sisters!Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity
Northern Virginia Alumnae Association Welcome to the website of the Northern Virginia Chapter of the Alpha Xi Delta Alumnae Association. We are a strong organization and growing, composed of women from chapters all over the country and ranging in age from recent college graduates to recipients of the Order of the Diamond. Are you a recent Alpha Xi Delta graduate or new to the area? If so, please contact us to be part of the alumnae group. We hope to see you soon! A word from our chapter association president: Dearest Sisters, What an exciting, but interesting, year we had for 2020-2021. Fortunately, Hannah Buchholz, our Vice President of Programming, planned all of activities so they could be held virtually as well as in person. Although a few sisters were able to get together in the fall for meetings, the rest were there on screen! We held Founders’ Day, virtually again, with many sisters picking up our lunches and enjoying the delicious meal togethe0r, virtually. We also had a couple of visitors from out-of-town. Our exciting news is two-fold: first, and most importantly, Beth Ann Eadie won the Outstanding Dedication by an Alumna Award from the National Fraternity; secondly, our Association was awarded the Alumna Association Excellence with Highest Honors, also from Fraternity Headquarters. Congratulations Beth Ann for her well-deserved win and all our sisters for the commitment to keeping the Association running smoothly. Contact us for our detailed activity 2021-2022 calendar and the pecan order form. Remember your Pecan orders keep us running! Hannah has again planned a great schedule of events and we are keeping the virtual option. As you may have heard, Alpha Xi Delta has parted ways with Autism Speaks. In its stead, Alpha Xi Delta is running the Kindly Hearts Campaign, which is a year-long campaign focused on service and fundraising to support our communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As much of the U.S. and the world continues to cope with, and seek to recover from, the COVID-19 pandemic, Alpha Xi Delta is galvanizing its membership around this shared experience and deploying our time, talents and treasures to serve our local communities that are in need. To support the Kindly Hearts Campaign, Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations will create project plans within one or more of the following areas of focus: supporting students, food insecurity, and basic needs shortages. We’ll be hearing about this from our VPs of Philanthropy, Kerry and Monica. Please welcome our new members to the Executive Board I look forward to our upcoming year. Please contact me or Hannah if you have any ideas for programs. Fraternally yours in Alpha Xi Delta, Janet R. H. Fishman Northern Virginia Alumnae Association President Join Our Facebook GroupPay Your Alumnae Dues Online |
Past Convention Awards
Congratulations to Beth Ann Eadie for being recognized by Fraternity Headquarters at our National Convention! She received an award for her Outstanding Dedication by an Alumna Member. We're so proud of you, Beth Ann!